About Me

A tech enthusiast who managed to change careers from Animation to become a full-time writer, the quote 'do what you love for a living' drove my determination. Before I knew it, I had my own blog and a career as a writer in siliconindia magazines. 

In the last 5 years, I have had the privilege of learning about and working for a variety of industries

Inspired by life (may sound cliche), I have an underlying curiosity that drives my thirst for knowledge when it comes to technology, science, astronomy, science fact & fiction, and many more, and a passion for photography, travel, food, and football keeps me excited about life.

A very simple human who spends his substantial weekend time wandering on the terrace, star gazing, taking pictures of the sky, and wondering how fast light really travels. 

A self-proclaimed tree hugger who is determined to contribute in any way possible to clean the planet, an animal lover who hypocritically can't live without butter chicken, it is safe to say I am an average joe with above-average ambitions. 

Check out my socials and work URLs. 👈🏽


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