Improve Your Pre-sales Demo in Three Easy Steps

3 Effective Tips to Improve Your PreSales Demo

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Pre-sales product demonstrations must always be a two-way street - demonstrating and listening. 

As robust and comprehensive as your product is, it is only as good as its ability to solve your prospect's pain points. 

Secondarily, pre-sales engineers must break through monotonous and repetitive demos and appeal to the prospect’s psyche. 

In this article, we’ll glimpse some of such effective ways to improve pre-sales demos and equip engineers with information that leads to effortless conversion. 

1. Ask Questions & Listen:

Statistics show that only 17% of sales reps believe they’re pushy, and prospects who’re on the receiving end believe 50% of all sales personnel are pushy. 

This evidently needs to change. 

Asking questions does not only make you seem interested in the prospect's issues, but it also keeps them constantly engaged. 

Questions like “how do you see this solution working in your environment,” or “do you think this will help you in your day-to-day engagements” will build camaraderie that often pays off. 

Such questions not only fundamentally break the ice but also allows the prospect to visualise the value provided by your software [demo] which is critical for conversion. 

In the same breath, listening to the prospects carefully and customising your demo to their requirement goes a long way. 

2. Speak their Language:

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It is evident that pre-sales engineers are trained to present & demonstrate products a certain way - a
curse of knowledge all trained professionals bear. 

When you’re wise enough to customise not only your demo but also your jargon, mannerism, and other specific details of your prospects’ business, you’re levelling up your demo to a whole another stratosphere. 

By doing this, even a run-of-the-mill product will seem attractive and breaking your curse of knowledge will set your demo apart from other vendors. 

3. Set Your Goals:

With the first two points considered, the next imperative is to set your demo goals by working closely with the concerned deal teams. 

Identifying potential points, important topics, and plights of your prospect and setting up attainable goals will work wonders. 

Based on the complexity of solutions provided, these goals can be multifaceted, and neither the pre-sales personnel nor the client will regret this undertaking. 

In fact, prospects may be impressed with the goal-oriented research and approach, making everyone’s lives easier. 

Final Thoughts

Bringing these habits to fruition may seem like an arduous undertaking on the surface, but let's face it, pre-sales professionals are tired of presenting monotonous demos. 

Looking at it from another perspective, you’re not only helping your prospects but also making your job interesting by improving your pre-sales demo. 


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