
What Are Blockchain Oracles, And Why Are They Important?

Image Source: Freepik Oracles, prophets, seers, and sibyls are entities that relay information between the mythical realm to the real world. Similarly, blockchain oracles play a vital role in relaying real-time data from the real world to the blockchain realm.  In this article, we’ll introduce you to the fundamentals of blockchain oracles, why they matter, and other crucial information. Let’s begin. Blockchain oracles explained A blockchain oracle is a piece of software that is used to connect a blockchain with the outside world. In other words, it allows data to be transferred between the blockchain and external systems, which is important to allow the blockchain to interact with real-world data and events.  Third-party service providers usually provide blockchain oracles, but a handful of open-source options are also available. Oracles can be used for various purposes, such as price discovery, event verification, smart contract execution, etc. The foremost aspect to know abo...

Improve Your Pre-sales Demo in Three Easy Steps

3 Effective Tips to Improve Your PreSales Demo Image Source Pre-sales product demonstrations must always be a two-way street - demonstrating and listening.  As robust and comprehensive as your product is, it is only as good as its ability to solve your prospect's pain points.  Secondarily, pre-sales engineers must break through monotonous and repetitive demos and appeal to the prospect’s psyche.  In this article, we’ll glimpse some of such effective ways to improve pre-sales demos and equip engineers with information that leads to effortless conversion.  1. Ask Questions & Listen: Statistics show that only 17% of sales reps believe they’re pushy, and prospects who’re on the receiving end believe 50% of all sales personnel are pushy.  This evidently needs to change.  Asking questions does not only make you seem interested in the prospect's issues, but it also keeps them constantly engaged.  Questions like “how do you see this solution working in you...

Top 5 Crucial Social Listening Metrics to Monitor

Top 5 Crucial Social Listening Metrics to Monitor Monitoring social media activity has been a challenge for marketers for quite some time. “Social listening metrics” are here to the rescue as the wiser sibling of social media tracking, that simply knows better. In a nutshell, social listening is a tool to understand all the social media chatter happening about your business. By extension, social listening essentially gauges the overall performance of your brand and your customers' perception.  What does this mean? Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and now the Metaverse are known to attract unparalleled attention to brands. However, when social media platforms become a dime a dozen, you will unavoidably need ways & means to track activity.  Enter “social listening tools.” Image Source: When you follow the 5 metrics mentioned in the article, understanding the complete conversation around your brand becomes easier.  There is a solid social listeni...

5 Most Important Stages in the Content Marketing Process

  5 Most Important Stages in the Content Marketing Process Marketers have been trying to master the art of content marketing for many years now. However, in the current unpredictable and volatile landscape of any industry, marketers are finding it hard to formulate a content marketing strategy that simply works.  Internal communication issues, the dearth of subject matter experts, and many other problems deter marketers from amplifying their content marketing efforts.  According to a survey conducted by the Content Marketing Institute , these are the top three challenges faced by B2B organisations.  44% of survey respondents implore creating content that appeals to various levels of their target audience as the biggest challenge. 42% mention that the unavailability of subject matter experts to create content is the second plaguing issue.  38% say that internal communication amongst teams is the issue they face.  To remedy these issues, marketers must press ...
  Most Important Data Privacy & Protection Laws you Should Know About In recent years, the Pegasus spyware wreaked havoc in India. What turned into a worldwide spectacle, the Pegasus Project investigation confirmed that the personal devices of ministers, journalists, activists, judges and other high-profile individuals had been compromised.  Cognizant of this breach of privacy, many victims of the vile act voiced their displeasure and took to the streets in protest.  As technologies like AI, quantum computers, Neuralink, and others make mind-boggling advances, protecting your data and knowing your rights in the Indian judiciary system is imperative.  In this article, I will be listing some of the most important internet data privacy and protection laws every Indian citizen must be aware of for the foreseeable future.  Data Protection What are Data Protection Laws? Data Protection Laws are a set of privacy policies and procedures that focus on minimising intr...

Understanding Mining Difficulty & the Difficulty Increase in Mining Bitcoin

In a nutshell, mining difficulty is a random number that determines how hard the cryptographers or computers must work to create a new block. Now let’s break this down. As the number of aspiring miners, cryptographers, and computers increases, the difficulty of mining new blocks decreases, ergo it is necessary to increase this difficulty so that these entities take longer to mine each block. Adjusted every 2016th block, the difficulty is increased or decreased to ensure fairness in mining between man & machine, and to mitigate fraudulent mining of blocks. Mining 2016 blocks must take around 2 weeks on an average and if more blocks are created in this time period, the system automatically increases the difficulty, and if fewer blocks are created in the 2 weeks, the difficulty is decreased. The latter doesn’t occur as often, as more people and powerful computers are introduced to mine new blocks eventually. Another nuance that determines mining difficulty is the time taken to mine a ...